Living with Hepatitis B
A new book from the authors of the bestselling Living with Hepatitis C. Chronic hepatitis B, a condition that currently affects 1.25 to 1.5 million Americans, is a serious progressive disease that can lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer, the need for liver transplantation and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 200,000 Americans of all ages are infected each year with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Sufferers of acute hepatitis B can become jaundiced, severely fatigued and too ill to work. Although most recover, some will experience acute liver failure, need emergent liver transplantation or die. Experts estimate that up to 10 percent of infected adults and 25 percent of infected children under the age of five will develop chronic hepatitis B. Now the team that wrote the bestselling Living with Hepatitis C brings to hepatitis B sufferers the same authoritative information, expert answers, practical guidance, hope and inspiration. Living with Hepatitis B explains in everyday language• the nature of the disease and its effects on your body • how to recognize early warning symptoms • what you should do if you get infected • the HBV vaccine: is it safe, is it effective? • how to avoid infecting others, how to understand blood tests, nutrition tips, treatment options, research trends and more. The first, most comprehensive and authoritative guide to HBV for the general public, Living with Hepatitis B is sure to become a classic. Author Biography: Gregory T. Everson, M.D., one of the country's leading hepatologists, is a recognized expert on the treatment and cure of hepatitis. He is director of hepatology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Hedy Weinberg is an award-winning writer and essayist. Diagnosed with hepatitis in 1993, she brings to the reader personal understanding of how patients feel and what they want and need to know.
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