Sunday, July 29, 2012

<a Href=http//magastatracom/storyphpid=97982>what Are The Chances

What are the chances of the Cervical Cancer vaccine causing your death, rather than the Cancer itself?
by ♥

I've watched on the internet, heard stories from friends, and read in magasines that the Cervical Cancer vaccine is the one doing the killing rather than the actual Cancer.
I'll being going for my third and final one in January, but now I'm having second thoughts. Is it worth it? What are the chances of dying from this vaccine?


Answer by Denisedds
No one has died from the vaccine, but thousands die from cervical cancer every year.

Answer by Paddy 1969
Its hard to pinpoint the chances either way. Cervical cancer ( like other cancers ) is more an outcome of environmental factors, like diet and pollutant exposure, than sexual behavior. You could postpone this if you wish, the shot will always be accessible, and presumably in the future more info on its side effects or long term risks will be available. People have been harmed from the vaccine, see this

Answer by Web
check the news again, recently a girl had died from it... of course, the doctors will give another explanations in the same way they do for all the complications caused for any vaccination... I don't have even my cat vaccinated ... how more stupid can it be? we want to prevent a desease or infections with poison, poisoning our body with all sorts of virus, metal, etc????????????
I rather die by whatever desease naturally than die from one I injected in my body.
The farmacy is a HUGE INDUSTRY - they only interested is make money out of the fear of the ingnorant - please think, poison the body to prevent it get poisoned 9desease) in the future?????????

Natural Cancer Remedies That Work.

The Most Effective Natural Cancer Remedies From Dr. Morton Walker.

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